July 08, 2003
GNOME 2.4 Diaries

Trying to make the most of my sick days, I've been poking around in the GNOME 2.4 docs build infrastructure. Gedit is done, I took a look around gnome-session and figured out what old cruft can be removed, and I'm now in the midst of gnome-applets. They're the cruftiest of all, which is why I've procrastinated so long. If my quick automated analysis is correct, there are 138 docs in the package (including translations), and each has a Makefile.am that needs updating. I'm working on a script now that should do it all in bulk, though given my modest skills it's always a tradeoff - how long does it take to figure out how to make the script work, versus how long it takes to do it all by hand.

I suppose no matter what, script is still cooler, and the Right Way(tm).

Posted by John Fleck at July 08, 2003 06:33 PM