July 07, 2003
Sick as a Dog

Where does that cliche come from? My dog never gets particularly sick, and least not like I feel now.

I've had this fantasy for a number of years that all the exercise I do keeps my immune system in tip-top shape. That's why, the theory goes, when I get a cold it's always mild and quick. I don't remember the last time I've missed work - maybe that memorable evening during the 1998 election season when we all got food poisoning at work from the take-out-meal they brought in to the newsroom. That was hilarious. Election feed Tuesday, and half the staff was out by Thursday.

Today I had to kill a trip to Phoenix I'd been really looking forward to for a workshop tomorrow on communicating about climate. I waited until the last minute to pull the plug on the trip, hoping I would recover. Oh well. Sometimes you've gotta just suck it up and admit you're sick.

L's taking good care of me. Gotta love love at time like this.

Posted by John Fleck at July 07, 2003 07:25 PM