July 05, 2003
GNOME 2.4 Diaries

So I finally seem to have overcome whatever auto* voodoo was standing in the way of my GNOME 2.3.x build. My solution was thus:

  1. Try many random solutions with no real idea of what I'm doing.

  2. Whine about how I don't wanna be a hacker, I just wanna work on docs.

  3. Ignore the problem for weeks.

  4. Panic when I realize the release date is so close.

  5. Find that in the interim, my problem has magically gone.

This doesn't mean I've got a working setup yet, but I've now got a terminal window open and building stuff at all times, and I'm in that state where I'll leave it running churning through the build scripts when I go out, hoping the magic will be done when I get back.

I got the "here's what we need to do" mail out to the list Tuesday, hinting broadly at the grunt work required. Little useful response so far, except the usual "I'd like to do docs for the flubberwidget" from a newcomer, followed by the, "We're already doing them, sorry," from the Sun people. And now that I can (sorta) build stuff, I got started redoing the docs build infrastructure using Malcolm's new white magic.

Got a working G2.3.x to show y'all:

GNOME 2.3.x screen shot

Posted by John Fleck at July 05, 2003 07:45 AM