There is an Air Force Base on Albuquerque south side. It has contaminated our aquifer. The relationship between the community and the Air Force regarding cleanup has been rocky.
More rocks:

ABCWUA press release regarding Kirtland cleanup
There is an Air Force Base on Albuquerque south side. It has contaminated our aquifer. The relationship between the community and the Air Force regarding cleanup has been rocky.
More rocks:
ABCWUA press release regarding Kirtland cleanup
Too bad the former Duke City congresscritter and current Secretary of the Air Force ain’t doing anything here, at Cannon or elsewhere, eh?
Fuel spills are not the only drinking water contamination issue for military bases. Legacy contamination from fire-fighting foams are of nation-wide concern. Come to the July 24. PFAS Workshop in Albuquerque! This will be the American Ground Water Trust’s 8th state focused program on perfluorinated chemicals. Check for information. The workshop program will provide objective information to facilitate water providers, elected officials, citizens and community leaders with policy, planning and management decisions. Presentations will cover chemistry background, sampling & testing protocols, treatment technologies, cost recovery options and the characteristics of environmental persistence of long-chain and short-chain chemicals in legacy PFAS compounds and some of their replacements.
No surprise to me after what I had read a few months ago on the
Superfund site.
Good luck to getting it properly taken care of.